Working Diligently to Keep Paradise Valley Residents Safe

Dear Fellow Paradise Valley Resident:

Public safety. With the events of the past few days, weeks and months, the term means something more critical than ever before.

The Town of Paradise Valley is focused on promoting public safety in every aspect. From a public health standpoint, we're working within a set of guidelines designed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 while providing key services to the community. And, we've been in constant touch with public health agencies to be part of Arizona's coordinated response to the virus, finding the right balance between health and economic needs.

We're all aware of the recent public demonstrations.  Unfortunately, we’ve also seen some incidents of violence break out around the country and in our state in recent days.  I have worked with my peers to ensure through the review of its strategic plan and funding levels that our Paradise Valley Police Department is equipped to be as well-trained, professional, and experienced as everyone who interacts with our department deserves, and I helped to enact an agreement before these recent times that allows our department to cooperate effectively and efficiently with other law enforcement agencies to protect and serve the Town’s residents and visitors during emergency situations. We are respectful of everyone who lives in and visits our community who is here to enjoy our great quality of life, and we're grateful to our Town's first responders who have been committed to addressing these recent challenges with great dignity and professionalism.

It's difficult work, but our Town has been fortunate to have strong, steady leadership during this time. I'm proud to have been a part of this effort and am committed to putting public safety as a number-one goal as I continue my service on Town Council. It has been a privilege the past four years to work with our Town's leadership to address this and other critical issues facing our community.

If you have any feedback on how we can ensure our residents stay safe and healthy, please e-mail me at

Yours very truly,

Councilmember Scott Moore